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tall hippie musician who once auditioned for the role of a guitar player for the Gorillaz at Kong Studios, but was turned down, along with many others by Murdoc after the job was taken by Noodle. Jimmy Manson, also known as 'Wee Jimmy Manson' was a 3 ft. His latest appearance is in Song Machine episode 9, season one. There is very little information about the belt.

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There were also T-shirts with Bonesy on them, a belt with Bonesy as the buckle. You can play it here:  He also appears as the loading screen in the Gorillaz iOS/Android app. He was also the main character in the game 'Bonesy's Apple Bobbing'. He was on the Groove Bones Selecta machine in Kong Studios and Plastic Beach. Bonesy was a sort-of mascot for Gorillaz for the first two phases.

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