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O'Brien was a writer and producer for The Simpsons for two seasons until he was commissioned by NBC to take over David Letterman's position as host of Late Night in 1993. After writing for several comedy shows in Los Angeles, he joined the writing staff of Saturday Night Live. He served as president of The Harvard Lampoon while attending Harvard University, and was a writer for the sketch comedy series Not Necessarily the News. Before his hosting career, he was a writer for Saturday Night Live (1988–1991) and The Simpsons (1991–1993).īorn in Brookline, Massachusetts, O'Brien was raised in an Irish Catholic family. He is best known for having hosted late-night talk shows for almost 28 years, beginning with Late Night with Conan O'Brien (1993–2009) and The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien (2009–2010) on the NBC television network, and Conan (2010–2021) on the cable channel TBS.

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The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien (host, 2009–2010).Late Night with Conan O'Brien (host, 1993–2009).The Simpsons (writer, producer, 1991–1993).Saturday Night Live (writer, 1988–1991).

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